Sara Lenee Heinritz
12/3/1980 - 4/11/2024
Obituary For Sara Lenee Heinritz
Sara Lenèe Heinritz, 43, passed away on Thursday, the 11th of April 2024 in her home on the family homestead in the Thermalands of Lincoln, CA. Sara grew up in Ophir, CA where she learned to write, sing, and cook. It was obvious when Sara was happy as you could always hear her singing. Sara had a love for writing, and excelled at everything she set her mind to. Sara graduated from Del Oro High School in 1999 with honors and moved out to go to college in San Louis Obispo to continue her love for writing in their prestigious journalism program. Sara's heart fell out of love with journalism and led her to Nursing. Sara attended the Sierra College RN program where, to no surprise to anyone who knew her, she became Class President. After graduating, Sara set off to Renown Hospital in Reno before moving back home in 2011 where she welcomed her most prized accomplishment, her son Charlie Ace.
Once back in the Sacramento area, Sara accepted a position within the Dignity Health system. Eventually finding the Trauma ICU department at Mercy San Juan, where she flourished. Sara was the recipient of the prestigious Daisy Award, awarded to Nurses who excel in care and compassion. Sara spoke so fondly of her work family within both of her nursing jobs, how much they looked after her, and how much they always asked about Charlie and his 4H projects. During her time at Mercy San Juan, Sara completed her bachelor's in nursing, becoming a BSN, and eventually passing the test to become a CCRN as well. Our family wanted to thank the staff of Mercy San Juan and Sutter Yuba for loving Sara as we did, like a sister, a mother, and a daughter.
Sara's favorite activity was undoubtedly cooking, and there was not a day that went by that she was not preparing food for her entire family on the homestead. Sara had an uncanny ability to speak through food, she could cut any family drama with one simple meal. Sara hosted weekly Sunday Night Dinner where she would prepare "simple" dinners for 15 family members. Here, these simple meals brought the family together to listen to each other and work through the tensions of living so close to family. Sara always made sure to make enough to send home for her dad's and sister's lunches the next day.
There was only one thing in Sara's life that she was more proud of than her cooking, and that was Charlie and his many accomplishments. Sara was never prouder than the night Charlie won Showmanship Champion at the 4H swine show in Placer County. There was not a person in all the county that did not know of Charlie's success showing swine, she was sure of that. She was proud of him and anyone that had the privilege of spending any amount of time with her will always be able to cherish and relive the moments and memories she shared with Charlie through stories and reflection.
If you were a part of Sara's life, you were a part of her family and you can rest assured she is busy as can be preparing a place at the table for each of us, waiting to tell us the ins and outs of her heavenly resting place. Sara is survived by her parents Chris and Cindy Heinritz, who raised her with unconditional love, patience, and support. Her younger brothers Thomas (Danelle) Trevor (Christina) her baby sister, Analise (Mike). All of whom will fondly remember the family Nurse who took care of them, listened, gave advise to and joked with (to a point). Her four beautiful nieces Poppy, Frankie, Georgie, and Daisy. Her nephew Adler. Many aunts and uncles, cousins, friends. And finally, her son, Charlie.
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