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Lyle Douglas Good

9/28/1943 - 8/5/2023


Obituary For Lyle Douglas Good

Lyle Douglas Good was born on September 28, 1943, in Oak Park, IL, to Harold and Twila (Tittle) Good. He was the third of five brothers, with two younger sisters. Doug passed away at home in Citrus Heights, CA on August 5, 2023 following the struggles of Alzheimer’s, a brain tumor and metastasized prostate cancer, with his wife and sons gathered by his side.

Doug is preceded in death by his mother and father, and his oldest brother Paul. He is survived by his wife, Gloria, his two sons, Daron and Jathan, and their wives, Sarah and Carla, and his four grandchildren, Wyatt, Alison, Jenna, and Quinn and his siblings, Lynn, Cliff, Karen, Art, and Sherrill plus many nieces and nephews.

Doug, an academic with two master's degrees and an ABD (an almost PhD), was a historian, a theologian, and an amateur philosopher. He was a business owner, a janitor, and a writer, having published articles in academic journals, as well as a number of books. He had a way with words and loved nothing more than turning a good phrase to help his readers understand a difficult idea in a new or different way. He was a quartet singer, a pianist, and a basketball and track athlete.

A playful spirit, a delight in doing things differently, a kind and gentle heart and a passion to seek a broader understanding of God and the world are his hallmark legacies that left their imprint on family and friends. Doug was agile in mind, body and spirit. The light and love he brought into this world will continue on in all who were touched by his life.

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